Summary Of Elie Wiesel's Night

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Night was written in a young boy’s point of view about his family’s hardships and experiences through the holocaust. This book is based off the 1940s. At this time, the holocaust was coming to an end. The main setting in the book is a series of concentration camps: Birkenau, Auschwitz, Buna, and Buchenwald. There is an abundance of historical information about these camps, especially the more popular ones like Auschwitz.
1937, the Buchenwald concentration camp opens.
1940, the Auschwitz concentration camp opens.
1940, the Birkenau (Auschwitz-Birkenau) concentration camp opens.
1942, the Buna concentration camp opens.
11 million people were killed in concentration camps during the holocaust.
Of that, 6 million people were of the Jewish

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