
Summary Of Far Cry 5: Fangs For Hire By Dalton Hoey

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Writing a short story takes a lot of thought and planning. It is obvious that the author of “Far Cry 5: Fangs For Hire”, Dalton Hoey, put a lot of preparation into the plot, theme and conflict of his story. Consequently, it is evident that none of that thought went into any other areas of the story. “Far Cry 5: Fangs For Hire” is a very imaginative story with a relatable theme and an interesting use of hyperboles. However, having an unrelated introduction and conclusion, and technical errors make the story difficult to enjoy. “Far Cry 5: Fangs For Hire” was a very creative short story. Hoey chose very attention grabbing hyperboles which enhanced his work. “… seemingly hitting every rock on the way down” (1) grabs the readers attention with such an absurd statement. Hoey carefully chose hyperboles which were intriguing to read. “My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest…” (5) is a perfect example. It creatively described the way he would have been feeling in that situation. The use of unique literary devices in this short story enhanced the writing and intrigued the reader. Along with Hoey’s unique literary devices, he also had a very relatable theme that was obvious throughout the story. Not only did the characters in the story have to have courage and be …show more content…

It is one of the technical errors found within “Far Cry 5: Fangs For Hire”. For example, “Just when I thought the pain was over[sic] I found myself in a deep river,[sic] being pushed by the current” (1). Hoey failed to use commas correctly. In addition to misused commas, changes in tense were also a problem within Hoey’s story. “Peaches was going crazy, escaping[sic] from her enclosure and following[sic] the cultists up the hill to their base camp”(3), is just one of the examples of tense change in this short story. Hoey changes from past tense to present tense. Keeping the same tense throughout the story is important to have for an effective short

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