INTRODUCTION The book GOD’S MISSION TO THE NATIONS is written by Andrew Tompkins. This book is clearly shows us God’s mission which is presented in the scripture especially in Old Testament. It divided into three major sections with nine chapters. In section one develops an understanding of God’s mission as developed in the Old Testament. In the section two tells why comparing the “nations” of the Old testament with Hindus today and the most important aspect of God’s mission found in several narratives. And in section three Mr. Tompkins using the God’s power in the mission, especially in the context of interreligious encounters as seen in Old Testament narratives. As a religious person Andrew Tompkins is a very eager to spread the Gospel …show more content…
His mission to the nations compared to God’s mission to Hindus today. God’s mission is often described as His desire to bless humanity through His work of salvation or redemption. We can see in Genesis 12, there is specify promise of blessing for the “nations”, which was actually started from Genesis 10. The nation forgot the real God and they started worshiping the idols and the created. But Bible indicates although Abraham family also had in idol worshiper he decided to follow the true God. And God chose him,called him as the father of many nations. The writer ponting out here if there is any fear to God that is only one God who can destroy all things because He is the honour of all things. Chapter 2 telling the similarities of God’s mission in Old Testament with today, especially Hindus, they are worshiping the created instead of the Creator like Old Testament. Their main focus to worshiping is nature, especially the sun, rivers, and trees. Also they pointed the images like the linga of Shiva, human beings “saints” like Sathya sai Baba. Although they are not recognizing but God wants to be in relationship with them just as He did in Old