Summary Of Independence Sentiments And Sojourner Truth

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Independence/Sentiments and Sojourner Truth/bell hooks 1. DOI: written in 1776. Was written during war with England and the 13 original colonies wanted to be separated from England and to be their own independent states. In this piece they only ever really say men and not women and around this time the word “men” was meant to mean everybody. However, women were not really seen as any importance, so that is also why they did not say women. DOS: written in 1848. Was written at the Seneca Falls convention in New York when the idea that women should be treated the same was introduced at this conference. This declaration was presented to fight the sovereignty that women did not receive in society. During this time woman were also fighting for …show more content…

In her speech she is not only fighting for the rights of women, but also introducing that black women and other people should be treated with the same rights and respects. She mentions the carriage example and how women should be lifted into them and should be assisted when walking over puddles. Sojourner says how no one has ever helped her and she is a working woman who deserves to be treated like that. She works in the man’s field and yet is shown no respect. She repeatedly says “ain’t I a woman” to emphasize that although she is colored she deserves to fight along with the other women for …show more content…

Sojurner Truth would in Hook’s book be seen as a revolutionary thinker instead of a reformist thinker. This is because instead of her wanting just wanting to be equal to men, she wants the sexist/racist thoughts about her to be abolished. Truth shows that she can be just as masculine as a male by working in the fields and bearing slashes. She wants it to be more than just being seen as equal to men, but also be respected like a man. Truth can also be what Hook’s calls it, the individuals who were not the stars of the fight. Truth was not the main focus during her time and was not seen as important as the white women who was fighting for equality, but the contributions that she brought were some of the most revolutionary and key arguments used in the fight. Truth would think that what Hook’s is saying is not wrong. Truth doesn’t hate men, she just hates how they treat women, and Hooks mentions that in her book; she says how most feminists do not hate males, they do not like all the people that oppress them through sexism. Truth would probably agree with Hook’s idea of black women being the unsung hero of the feminist movement because Truth experienced the racial oppression and understood how hard it was for women to be heard, let alone black women. Truth would also understand Hook’s comment on status and that a wealthier more materialize women will not be as willing to fight the fight as the lower class women. Truth would agree because Truth was as the bottom of the class