Summary Of Into The Wild By Chris Mccandles

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Into The Wild is a biography about a man named Chris Mccandles. In 1990 Chris had just graduated college when Chris decided to go on an adventure. He abandoned his life and left without a trace going under the alias of Alexander Supertramp. His final destination Alaska. Along the ay he met an abundance of people and made a mark on their hearts. He finally made it to Alaska in 1992 he found an abandoned bus and took refuge there. Chris had made it to the wild. He survived over one hundred days until he met his demise. Chris at his last months life, was trapped by the rapids of the river in Alaska once spring came around. No way to hunt Chris turn to “Tanaina Plantlore” a book that depicts the use of plants in Alaska. He read that wild potatoes were edible so he went out and searched he had found the plant that looked like the picture shown in the book and he took the seeds and ate them. The next day he felt terribly sick he opened his book again to see that what he ate was actually sweat pea seeds an inedible plant. He then slowly died of starvation. Hunters found his body nineteen days later. Chris McCandless was no more. …show more content…

You go through his life and get to know the people he met and affected on his travels to Alaska. Then when you read of his passing you can’t help but get depressed. However, people argue the way he died was idiotic. That if he had been more careful he couldn’t have made the mistake of eating sweet pea seeds instead of wild potato seeds. I do not agree Chris died an innocent death. The mistake he made was completely innocent. The sweat pea seeds and wild potato seeds have the same appearance the only way to differentiate them is the slight veins on the sweat pea