
Summary Of It Is Immoral To Watch The Super Bowl By Steve Almond

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In the essay of Steve Almond, “It is Immoral to Watch the Super Bowl,” the author’s argument was very effectively about the causes and the effects on the immorality to watch the Super Bowl. Therefore, Almond expresses his point of views very clearly for viewers to understand the reasons football should be outlawed. In fact, Almond’s reason for writing this article is to persuade people to show the viewers the under coverage accident that TV doesn’t want you to see, and the negative effect that football has on players while playing, and after they had played it. Almond provides some basic facts and details about what football does to the human body so that his argument against football can be understood. Moreover, Almond writes that football negatively influences America’s attitudes about violence, and homophobia. As a result, Almond states that medical research has proven that football can cause serious brain injury and concussion to the body, but the NFL is denying the facts that football …show more content…

At first, when medical research suggested that the game causes neurological damage, the league spent years denying it. (3) Now that medical evidence is proving it, the league had looked for other means by fining defenders of helmet-to-helmet hits to be safe. On the other hand, the sport’s popularity makes players into celebrities and make news on the front page of the magazine. However, most players do not really care about the future effect that football has on them, all they care about is to be famous, and make some money, and live a good life. In the article, Almond stated that he had numerous difficult conversations with friends in the course of writing his argument. It is hard to convince people on the negative impact of football. Almond also measured in his argument that he is not against football, but he is against the way it is played and the physical and psychological effects it had on

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