Summary Of Jeffrey Dahmer: The Milwaukee Cannibal

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Topic: Jeffrey Dahmer “The Milwaukee Cannibal.” For hundreds of years, boys of all ages have set ants, as well as small living things on fire. With anything they can get their adolescent hands on, the insect is set ablaze with magnifying glasses or stepped on in hopes of destroying all life and the souls that they have been told is inside of them. There is an early on fascination in a child 's life of death and killing. This curiosity ends once there is a further understanding of death, as I often say Once something is dead its sole existence is no longer with us. But what if this fascination does not go away in the absence of adolescence and puberty? What if this fascination of the dead evolves into something that begins to pull aspects from one’s sexual orientation? Can the past events in Jeffrey Dahmer 's life be attributed to the man he became? I believe so. The time was October third, a cold early winter 's night. Tensions ran high after the verbal precautions of my parents to not go see “My Friend Dahmer”. Although I can understand their reasoning, it is different for someone to be alive and live through these events then to read or watch a movie about the subject. My mother said, “The movie will try and justify the actions of Jeffrey Dahmer” (Creager). As we drove to the AMC theater, Kayla Neil, a friend of mine, and I planned out how we would pursue sneaking into an R rated movie, but that was when trouble hit us. We knew what must be done. We need to convince my