
Summary Of Letter From Birmingham Jail

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In the article “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Martin Luther King Jr. responds to clergymen who described his civil rights activities as “unwise and untimely”. Dr. King argues that while just laws should be obeyed, unjust laws aren’t binding because they go against decent morality and they degrade human lives. He explains the three-hundred-year struggles by African Americans to gain their basic rights and responds to criticism of being an extremist for trying to force change on this matter. Ultimately his reasoning is that those attempting to find a resolution to the injustice and unequal laws of the land should not be punished if they are doing so nonviolently, even if they break some just laws. I argue in favor of this idea that unjust laws …show more content…

This way of thinking is applicable to the Cards as they are being forcefully put into internment camps and being blocked out of the country. This proposition encourages racism against the Bajes, and I find they are well within their rights as human beings to oppose this. The Bajes situation is very similar to the struggle that Dr. King faced with injustice and segregation, and the solution is identical as well. As in the case with Martin Luther King in Birmingham, the answer lies in seeking every peaceful resolution before peaceful protest. A resolution can be made where the Cards can keep their culture intact without being so antagonistic and dismissive towards the Bajes. It isn’t necessary to ban and segregate a group of people a specific group of people in order to keep your own way of life alive, and if the majority of Cards refuse to believe this, the Bajes shouldn’t stand idly by and allow themselves to be interned for fear of breaking the law. They must challenge this culture and accept the consequences under the law so that you can provoke the conscience of the nation of Card to question the oppression, just as Martin Luther King had

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