Summary Of Life Sentence By Christopher Shea

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After reading" Life Sentence" by Christopher Shea, I totally agree with what he is trying to reveal. In the beginning of the reading, Shea mentioned all these “What if” questions to get you thinking before he starts explaining his claim. His claim in this article was that prisons have a greater impact than most people think it does. Prisons don’t just punish criminals during their time, they still punish them even after they’ve paid their time.
In the next paragraphs, Shea explains how not only do we spend $60 billion just to maintain the prison, but we bash these ex-prisoners, making it almost impossible for them to get a job once their out of prison. We should be trying to help them by doing more counseling, and more jobs. In order to keep …show more content…

If a ex-prisoner paid his time in jail, why should they still be punished? Most of these ex-prisoners want to live a better live and prove to others that they have learned from their mistakes. So why aren’t we letting them prove it to us? An idea that seems pretty meaningful to me is that black ex-convicts are the ones who struggle the most. Why is it that in the year 2016, we still struggle with discrimination? Shouldn’t that have been over years ago? I just don't get how someone of color can have a greater impact than someone who isn’t of color. We are all human and should be treated the same if we all paid the same price. My position on this issue is that ex-convicts should all be treated equally. There should not be any special treatment for anyone based on color, income or sexuallity. If you did the same crime as someone else, you should get the same treatment. For example, let’s say a white man and a black man killed someone else. So because they both committed a homicide, they should face the same charges. Sadly, this doesn’t always happen, what tends to happen is that the police can assume the black person was involved in a gang and sentence him to 5 more years.. My point here is that just because someone is colored doesn’t necessarily mean they were involved in a gang. You can’t just judge a book by it’s cover. There should be evidence to prove their reasonings, not just because he “looks