Summary Of Lin-Manuel Miranda's 'Alexander Hamilton'

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Lin-Manuel Miranda captivates audiences worldwide with a unique modern-day twist illustrating the life of Alexander Hamilton, an immigrant who is in pursuit of success on the mainland. He eventually obtained this success and became one of the pillars of America but not without suffering along the way. In the piece “Alexander Hamilton”, Miranda depicts Hamilton as a Hispanic minority who overcame an abundance of struggles and hardships in order to obtain a better and more fruitful life. Although some readers might think that the song “Alexander Hamilton” is simply about Hamilton’s life and the adversity he has overcame, it is in fact symbolic of modern day immigrant’s desire to pursue the main land’s american dream along with the obstacles and oppression they must overcome to do so. The decision by Lin-Manuel Miranda to portray Alexander Hamilton to be of a minority race is quite interesting and it symbolizes the theme for the entirety of the play. Miranda’s creation of the play is further explained in “Alexander Hamilton as an Immigrant” an article that states, “Miranda notably uses his production to cultivate a laudatory personal dimension in his portrayal of its historical subject matter. Throughout the production, he emphasizes the story of Hamilton as a self-made immigrant…” (Magness 497). This quote gives readers an insight to Miranda’s reasoning for playing the role of Alexander Hamilton as a Hispanic man. The decision to portray Alexander Hamilton as Hispanic rather