Summary Of Malcolm X's Contribution To America

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In my personal opinion and in reference to Curtis's book, Muslims in America, Malcolm X was a Muslim who contributed to American society. I would like to add that I am focusing more on Malcolm X's actions after he converted to Sunni Islam and left the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X was encouraged to further look into Islam after a few students from the University of Illinois formed the Muslim Student Association and set out on trips, similar to Christian missionaries, to spread the word of Islam. I would also credit these students to have helped benefit the American society because they were determined to get people to notice and learn more about Islam and what it means to be Muslim. Essentially, these students were trying to bring religious tolerance to America. Anyways, after an interfaith meeting …show more content…

Malcolm X was encouraged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca and while there, he was utterly astonished. He was astonished by the feeling of unity and oneness he felt with his fellow Muslims. Malcolm X shares, "we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and non-white" (Curtis, pg. 65). Malcolm X returned to America and shared with his friends his experience during hajj: one that included sharing food and drink with a white, blue-eyed Muslim. Malcom X wanted to share that racism could be combated with the help of almighty God (Curtis, pg. 65). Malcolm X continued to spread the message of Islam and remained a strong and prominent voice for the Black community. The story of Malcolm X in Curtis's book is an example of how Muslims in America were attempting to create a tolerant society for themselves and other minorities without the burden of discrimination and history of slavery that America