Summary Of Richard Junger's Tribe

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Soldiers and veterans are among of the most significant groups of people in this country, yet day after day the people continue to disrespect treat them terribly. In the book, Tribe, Junger goes on to talk about many veterans are treated poorly when returning back from war. Junger explains in his novel that many of the veterans who come back with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can get it from many different reasons including experiencing war and fighting. They can also get it from not being able to readapt to living a normal life again. Junger displays this community by showing general sadness when talking about this type of veterans. He is trying to show sympathy towards them, while trying to convince us to help them when they return from defending our country. Junger does his research and uses this to help show how people could learn to treat …show more content…

He believes that the people of the country are the true problem, and that it is not actually the veterans fault. Junger thinks PTSD is a huge problem, and that we must do something to help our veterans with PTSD. Junger does a great job at displaying this community and they are treated and proves that this community is mistreated. Jakupcak, Stuart, and Baker’s research all support Junger’s portrayal of the veterans with PTSD. The first way that Junger displays this community is that veterans with PTSD have a hard time rejoining a normal society. In the article written by Jakupcak, “Subthreshold levels of PTSD found in veterans have been shown that they struggle with many things, but some of those things include physical and mental health impairment, as well as having limitations and struggles with occupational and interpersonal functioning” (Jakupcak, pg. 947). This shows that many of the veterans that are coming