Essay On Dwarf-Titanic Ego

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This voice is the inner voice of Savitri’s total transformed soul that enters one by one, into the divine being of Brahma, Durga, Lakshmi, and Kali. She becomes one with the God. As Mother of Might, she finds that her efforts are not successful in leading man to God. The cosmic evil is too deep to uproot. The cosmic suffering is too vast to heal. The Mother of Might is able to help only a few, nonetheless, her mission is to create a conviction where God might come to meet the soul of the world. What comes on the way to create a propitious conviction is man’s titanic ego. As is the poetic practice of Sri Aurobindo, he presents the scenario through the picture -making images. The dwarf is a recurring image. Here, Ego is presented as a Dwarf-titan. …show more content…

No problem will arise for man if only he listens to the voice of self-knowledge and not of the blatant ego. The beauty is that through God is there behind every action; he is hidden in his Yoga-Maya ‘divine illusion’ and works through man’s ego. So the stupendous achievement of ego follows. “I have seized her powers and harnessed for my work” (Savitri 7.4.336). Man is the machine of the today’s world. He can build or destroy anything if he actually wants; the ‘Ego’ of man is performing same kind of action. The Ego or the Dwarf- titan says “What God imperfect left, I will complete” (348). Ego has mastered the world matter; Ego is the king of mastering the inner soul. Ego establishes the self- identity of the individual. And by mastering everything in this entire earth Ego masters and conquers heaven. Savitri does not reply to this voice of sin, but turns to the Mother of Might. Ascending higher and higher towards her transformation, Savitri embodies man’s mission. She comes to a wide tower of vision from where all could be seen. This is the vantage of Omniscience and the objectified projection of her own self. She meets her true self-when she comes across the image of a woman who sat in “clear and crystal light” (7.4.421), with heavenly luster in her eyes, sunlight face, and moon-beam feet. She discloses to her: “O Savitri, I am thy secret soul” (427). I heal the pangs of the earth and lull its heart to peace. Savitri’s secret soul creates ideals for man in their mind – to the ideals that reveal God to Man. “I am peace”(437), “I am charity”(440). “I am silence”(441), “I am knowledge”(442). When man’s mind is divided, the secret soul shows him the path of good. “I am the power that labours towards the best” (7.4.447). All forms of the good, right, freedom, peace, sacrifice, truth, reality, beauty, are the secret soul of man. The secret work has not