
Summary Of Stop The Sun By Gary Paulson

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In “Stop the sun” by Gary Paulson is a short story about a boy named Terry and his father who was a soldier in the Vietnam war and about the trauma Terry's father experienced in the war and how it affects him now. Terry's father was the only survivor of a big battle in the Vietnam war, he hid underneath dead bodies to hide from the enemies and he knew that when the sun came up he would be found so he wanted to stop the sun from coming up so he could live. After all his trauma, he sometimes does weird things as a result of his PTSD which embodies his son Terry. But then after Terry finds out what his dad went through and why he behaves the way he does, he is never embarrassed by what his dad does anymore and he tries to be more understanding …show more content…

It really bothered him when his fathers eyes would go away, or when he would be eating and just stop half way “But what bothered him even more was when his fathers eyes went away. Usually it happened when it didn't cause any particular trouble.” (63). This is important because it shows that he was clearly embarrassed by his father, it really bothered him even though he can't control it. He didn't understand how much that trauma from the war affected his father and he didnt know all that his father went through. All Terry knew was that it was “Vietnam syndrome” but he didn't truly understand what it was and how much it took a toll on his …show more content…

At first his father was very defensive and would not talk about it. But then finally Terry's father told him what he went through. After his father told him he didn't really understand but he did understand that he didn't understand, and even though he would probably never understand he was going to try and understand. He wasn't going to be embarrassed anymore. Even though he still doesn't understand, the difference is he has knowledge now. “He understood only that he didn't understand and that he would probably never know what it was really like, would probably never understand what had truly happened. And maybe his father would never be truly normal. But Terry also knew that it didn't matter. He would try to understand, and the trying would have to be enough. He would try hard from now on, and he would not be embarrassed when his father’s eyes went away.he would not be embarrassed no matter what his father did. Terry had knowledge now. Maybe not enough and maybe not all that he would need. But it was a start.” (69). This is important because it shows that after Tarry talked to his father about the war, he didn't understand but he did have knowledge and he was going to try to be more understanding and accepting of his

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