Summary Of Suburban America Problems And Promise

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The title of the documentary is “Suburban America: Problems and Promises”. The documentary highlights how suburbs are changing with time and how they are doing so socially and politically. The documentary pays special attention to themes like social change, aging infrastructure, redevelopment, and ethic changes. In the documentary, some places were mentioned to explain the suburb and its history. Some of those places were Reston, New York, Chicago, Cleveland, Minneapolis, and others. The documentary said each of these places had some part to play in how suburbs change and how that brought up landscapes which were not sustainable. The intended audience of the documentary is the public, especially those living in the Suburban communities. The …show more content…

The documentary had several events but ones I can clearly highlight are; political shifts in the suburbs where suburbs were traditionally republicans but have shifted to Democrats side. This happened mostly when the two campaigns of Clinton took place and also during Obama’s first ever election. The next event is when people in Greenlawn, NY encouraged each other to register and vote for Barack Obama who was a Presidential candidate at that time. The other event is the advent of suburbs where after the world war II, development of suburbs exploded. During this time, so many veterans bought houses which were low-cost mortgages and were available in the suburbs. The next is diversity in the suburbs where suburbs are now of different races, religion, believes, cultures, etc. Again, there’s a lot of minorities in suburbs. These minorities are the lower income families who were left out after the WWII. Not everyone there is that, but their history shows so. Another event is the political clout in the suburbs. Some people in the neighborhoods of the suburbs do their best to work and bring those areas which have been neglected to present-day standards because they don’t get enough attention from their legislators. I also saw affordable housing in the suburbs. The reason is that they want people living there to have the goods and services people would require. When they charge less cost for housing, people would have the money to make available the goods and services other people living there would require. This all boils down to the energy cost which is low there. Others were how businesses were done there, transportation issues there, and lots. There were also strategies to deal with the problems in the suburbs, which were to put their houses near transportation stops (they don’t