Cause And Causes Of Urban Decentralization

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The term urban decentralization usually refer to the decisions of people to move from the center district to suburban area. In united stated for example, and during the last century, people tend to move outward the metropolitan areas toward the suburban locales. The decentralization and regional administration system of the United States encourage people to locate in the suburban cities. The population in the central city decreased from 7517 residents per square mile to 2716 in other hand the suburban population increases from 175 residents per square mile to 208 between 1950 and 2000 . (Wheeler, 2006) Many facts encourage people to locate in the suburban areas:
1- The well-developed transportation system: As an example of the transportation system development ‘’ highway’’. Highways increase the accessibility of regions and land as the result lands price increase. Some studies were done to prove that land increase in region that was previously less accessible but the land price decrease in region that was already accessible. Although the land price remains lower than the center of the city that why people tend to move to an accessible region with lower land price (Freese & Sternberg, 1998)
2- The equal distribution of resource all over the country: People won’t move to suburban area if the main resources were not available there. The distribution of resource in all the country will reform the wealth and decrease the poverty in suburban areas.
3- Job opportunities: This is