
The Conservative Movement In The 1980's

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The conservative movement included the entitlement programs, civil rights policies, and decreasing the size of the government. The political party, Moral Majority, was a Christian rights and conservative party. It also included affirmative action, or providing special treatment to minorities, being scaled back (as well as reverse discrimination which is the practice of favoring those who were previously oppressed). One of the major social concerns of the 1980’s was abortion. After the Roe v Wade of 1973, opponents began to organize and the Supreme Court ruled that states were allowed to impose restrictions to abortion. Another issue was drug abuse becoming out of hand. America also faced an educational inferiority; American students were found …show more content…

He could not keep up with the same spending levels after being pressured from military spending. in 1991, 14 republics declared independence and Gorbachev resigned, dissolving the Soviet Union. In 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and a year after Germany was reunited; other European countries adopted democracy. In 1989, Beijing students demonstrated for freedom of speech and a greater voice in the government; Chinese leaders to order the military to slaughter the unarmed students. The Iran-Contra Affair refers to the event in which Iranian terrorists took Americans hostage which provoked President Reagan to call for military arms against Iran but later on, he sold the arms in exchange for the release of the hostages (and profits went to Nicaragua). Members of the Reagan administration were indicted by later on pardoned by President Bush. The Persian Gulf War involved Iraq invading Kuwait in which President Bush organized an International Coalition to defend and liberate …show more content…

There was by pattern of urban flight (the process in which Americans left the cities and move to the suburbs) and at mid-century; the population of cities exceeded that of suburbs in 2000s. causes of herbal change could 've included the movement of jobseeking Americans into urban area, overcrowding, increased crime rates, and decaying housing as well as space, privacy and security. In the mid-1990s, the value of property in the U.S. inner cities declined and gentrification (purchasing and rehabilitating deteriorating urban property) often displaced lower-income people. In 2008, Americans were older than ever before due to the aging of the baby boom generation and increased longevity. There was also a change in the immigrant population; The search for a better opportunity was still present in the 1990s and thousands of legal and (illegal) immigrants arrived daily (most from Mexico). Debates over do you immigration policy occurred; majority of Americans believed that they could not accept any more immigrants and proposition 187 cut all education and non-emergency health benefits to be illegal immigrants. The patterns in immigration changed America 's ethnic and racial makeup causing places like California to become major my Nordie states with Asian-Americans, Latinos African-Americans, and Native Americans making up more than half of its

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