Summary Of Surviving Hitler

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The book I was reading was Surviving Hitler, by Andrea Warren. I rate this book 10. Surviving Hitler talks about a young boy named Jack surviving a death camp. Jack was Jewish, his family was not religious but Jack knew little about his religion. They lived in a city and dressed no differently than their mostly Catholic neighbors. In two weeks Hitler took over Poland, Jack’s father, knew that will be sent to a camp so Jack, his mother, brother and sister, went to live with his grandfather which took them twelve-hour. For the next three years, Jack supported them by the pennies he earned. But at age 15, Jack was separated from his family and sent to the first of a series of concentration camps. Jack was determined to survive. He learned how to eat the disgusting …show more content…

My favorite will be when Jack found Moniek because Jack and Moniek were so close but their was evacuation so they had to separate them in order they could be enough space for other men's . So Jack spent all his day looking for Moniek, worst part was that he was weak and worried about fainting. At night, he was worried of getting freezing and he was covered with lice and had no way to clean or even wash his uniform. He couldn't communicate with other prisoners, he had no friend and that moment Jack felt alone and couldn't do nothing from himself or others and he was sure Moniek was dead, he said that he never in his life felt so alone. ( page 104 ) That night, for the first time in Jack experience, the prisoners were locked in their barracks. They could hear Allied planes flying overhead and the bombs blowing up ground targets. Jack knew the camp could be a target and they might be blown to bits but he didn't care anymore, the only thing he care was the "Allies were bombing Germany, and that Hitler would lose the war." The next morning, their was no guards, Jack and several other stepped outside and looked