
Summary Of The Book 'Hill Of Bones: The Medieval Murderers'

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I am reading Hill of Bones: The Medieval Murderers By Karen Maitland, Susanna Gregory, Bernard Knight, Philip Gooden, and Ian Morson, and I am on page 472 This book is a collection of shorter stories each leading into the next spanning from the time of king Arthur all the way to 2010. In this journal I will be evaluating.

I will be focusing on the second story from the book, which takes place at Bath abbey in 1199 and evaluating the character Gwenllian. Gwenllian is the wife of Sir Symon Cole and throughout the book she is described as levelheaded. When her and her husband arrived at the abbey hospital to visit a friend of Coles and were met with the shirking’s and accusations of the friends lunatic successor Dacus, Gwenllian stayed calm and open-minded to the case. Whereas Cole decided then and there that Dacus was to blame for the “accidents” that they had been sent to investigate by the king. The next day …show more content…

The most prevalent display of Gwen’s levelheaded demeanor came a few nights later when her husband was attacked in the middle of the night by a group of men at the inn where they were staying. Gwenllian quickly scrabbled under the bed after her husband had kicked out the lamp and in a moment of quick wit began to yell out as a way to draw attention to the room and scare off the perpetrators. Which as a result of his wife’s ability to stay composed in intense situations saved Cole’s life. The other word that I believe describes Gwenllian to a tee is caring. Gwenllian was

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