Summary Of The Fire Next Time By James Baldwin

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In The Fire Next Time, author James Baldwin describes with graphic detail the struggles of the black community. “The whores and pimps and racketeers on the Avenue had become a personal menace…my friends began to drink and smoke, and embarked-at first avid, then groaning-on their sexual careers” (Baldwin 16). The African-American community is plagued with an economic problem; jobs and money have been cut off from the grasps of families, and desperate men have often turned to habits of drinking, gambling, and drug abuse. Even (insert however many years ago it was) years ago, black communities faced these problems. Baldwin’s friends turned to these habits because they were constantly oppressed, and had begun to seek outlets for their problems. His friends were now “…busy, as they put it, ‘fighting the man.’ ... unable to say what it was that oppressed them, except that they knew it was ‘the man’—the white man.”(Baldwin 18).
What solution is the following paragraph proposing? And to what problem? Did you see the chart I made, where I broke this essay into two sections of solutions? Which one is this? This highlighting color looks like gatorade. The following two essays are all over the place, covering multiple issues. Would you mind if i broke them up and used them in paragraphs specifically talking about those issues?
What, however, is …show more content…

If there were more jobs, these impoverished communities could receive a steady income, provide a way to live without crime, and lower the amount of money the government has to spend on welfare. To solve not only the problem of the black communities, but poor communities in general, there needs to be a series of reforms to the government and or state welfare and loan systems to promote business growth, and a system that encourages people to shop