Summary Of The Forgotten Victim From Florence And Normandie By Steve Lopez

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Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Was the thunderous sound you would hear when hooligans would pounce on innocent victims. Victims with dark red blood dripping over there pummeled bodies on the brink of death. In the article “The forgotten victim from Florence and Normandie” published by Steve Lopez presents us with an insight on the Los Angeles riots of 1992. A scenery destined for destruction and mayhem with people crying in despair. The actions committed represent the cruel society that we can live in because violence, racism and hatred all inspire terrorism. To begin with, protesting with violent actions isn’t morally right. For example, the victim Fidel Lopez comments, “One of these guys picked up a big piece of metal and threw it at my face. After …show more content…

For instance, when the savior and pastor Rev. Bennie Newton alleged to the rioters, "Kill him, and you have to kill me too." Ironically, it was an ex-convict who had to intervene and stop the fight because the police were afraid of getting in danger with the rioters. Normally, it would be logical for the authority to regulate viscous actions but they didn’t. The bravery that the pastor had to stand up for a stranger was enough to stop the fierceness on the poor Fidel Lopez. Despite all the violence Fidel was striving for a more successful life for his family. The article mentions, “He does things his way, she said, doesn't like asking for help, and is more interested in providing for his family than revisiting the past.” Fidel Lopez shows a positive mentality by moving forward and forgetting about the past. This is admiring because it shows the courage and perseverance Fidel had to support his family. In a similar situation, Fidel repeated, “This is a beautiful country." In other words, his atrocious past doesn’t take his belief that he migrated to the ideal or perfect country where people can change for the better. He remains satisfied living in the United States even though he has gone through