Summary Of The Idea Of A Christian College By Arthur Holmes

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In his book, The Idea of a Christian College, Arthur Holmes explains why he believes a young Christian should seek to attend a Christian college. Holmes discusses many important aspects of Christian universities that contribute to their significance, including how faith and learning are skillfully integrated, the academic freedom, and the community experience that can be found at such a university. Perhaps one of the most important aspects, mentioned by Holmes, of a Christian college is the theological foundations found in seeking higher education. According to Holmes, the Biblical mandate for Christian involvement in higher education includes the concepts of creation, the human person, truth, and the cultural mandate.
"Everything in existence is created by God and therefore has value," (1 Tim. 4:1-5). This Biblical verse points to the first theological foundation in seeking higher education. As the creator of all, the Lord has meticulously chosen and designed every aspect of this world. To seek further understanding into God's creation is one way in which a Christian can bring glory to the Lord. It seems that many in the recent and current circle of Christianity are afraid to approach certain academic …show more content…

In God's Word we find that we are commanded to contribute to the culture of the Earth not only before the Fall, but after as well. By seeking higher education we glorify God by following His mandate to cultivate the Earth. We also help to bring balance to the culture in which we live by bringing the morals, virtues, and knowledge that we have obtained from the Lord into the culture. It is also of great importance to note that even though the culture we live in has been greatly marred by the Fall, God's light and truth can and have still shown through in various ways. "Fallen people, whether they want it or not and however distortedly, still image their Creator" (Holmes