The Jungle And A Fable For Tomorrow By Rachel Carson

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The Jungle and A Fable For Tomorrow portray the barbarous conditions that society faced in the 1900s. Rachel Carson wrote A Fable For Tomorrow to inform readers about the deadly pesticides that were spread throughout communities. DDT was sprayed to kill pests, such as insects, weeds, and rodents. At the time, the well-being of people wasn 't considered. The main goal was to eliminate nuisances. The Jungle was written to reveal the harsh conditions of the meat packing industry.
DDT and unhealthy meat industries were prevalent in the 1900s. There was no hope for organisms, whether they were humans, animals, plants, or insects. The contaminated air in factories and communities put “all life [in a] violent crossfire.” DDT chemicals lingered in the soil, which provided nutrients for the plants. Many farm animals were herbivores, so they were also infected by DDT. Meat wasn 't cleaned properly by factory workers, so humans …show more content…

DDT was a war against nature. The aerosols were sprayed on farms, gardens, forests, and homes. When an organism became immune to an insecticide, a deadlier one was developed. DDT had “the power to kill every insect, the song of birds, and the leaping of fish in the streams.” The chemicals of life were synthetic creations brewed in labs. DDT polluted the air and damaged many necessary factors of life.
During the meatpacking reforms, workers had first-hand knowledge of packaging swindles. All of the information that Upton Sinclair received was based on immigrant workers’ experience. Spoiled meat was canned or turned into sausage. If meat was sour, workers “would rub it up with soda to take away the smell.” Factory workers would use chemicals to make concoctions that could give meat any smell, color, or flavor. Poisoned bread would be left out for rats, but when the rats died, the meat, rats, and poisoned bread were thrown into hoppers. The work was brutalizing and often left workers extremely sick or