Summary Of The Novel 'Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry'

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Roll of thunder CER essay

Cassie stands up for TJ when Mr. Barnett let other people go before TJ. Cassie thought that this wasn 't fair because TJ came before many of these people and he let them go in front of TJ. The thing is back then, white people were racist and hated black people. So Mr. Barnett said that “who’s little nigger is this” embarrassed and insulted Cassie. She yelled back and Stacey told her to shut up because if she keeps on going on, she can be in trouble in many ways. Page. 113 In the novel Roll of thunder hear my cry, by Mildred Taylor. A sense of family is one theme in a book that emerges. Lillian Jean called Cassie names and attempted to push her off the street and