Summary Of The OJ Simpson Case

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On June 6, 1994, bodies of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson were found murdered. shortly after Nicole's husband OJ Simpson was in a police pursuit with OJ's Ford Bronco. OJ was charged with the murders and pleaded not guilty. The evidence collected was a shoe print Bruno Size 12, ablack cap found with african american hairs in it, blood on OJ's bronco, a bloody sock they. found by OJ's bed, a cap that had fibers matching the Bronco and a bloody XL cashmere glove they found outside OJ's house. The trial began on January 24,1995. there was no murder weapon or witnesses but the prosecuter still thought they had a strong case. OJ was acquitted of the charges. his lawyers argued that the detective Mark Fuhrman appeared racists and claimed he planted evidence toincriminate …show more content…

they said the evidence was not collected properly and no evidence of OJ owning a pair of bruno shoes size 12, the hair in the cap didn't have dandruff in it like OJ had. the cut on his hand was not deep enough to cause that much blood to drip and the glove did not fit on OJ when they made him try it on in court. The families of the Goldmans and Browns sued OJ of wrongful death in civil court on February 5,1997. where they won $33,500,000.00 in compensatoty and punitive damages they showed the same evidence, OJ failed a lie detector test, a picture of OJ wearing the bruno size 12 shoe he never owned, evidence of physical abuse towards Nicole by OJ, detective Mark Fuhrman did not have to testify but OJ had to. In criminal court you must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. All Jurors must agree on

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