Summary Of The Philosopher And The Wolf By Mark Rowlands

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In 2008, Mark Rowlands published the novel, The Philosopher and the Wolf, walking the audience through his experience raising a wolf pup that became part of his family. Rowlands talks about the difference in training a wolf pup compared to your wolf- dog crosses and dogs. As he introduces his start of his journey he states, “if you were thinking of acquiring a wolf, or a wolf dog for that matter, the first thing I would say to you is: Don’t do it! They are not dogs. But if you foolishly persist, then I will tell you that your life is about to change forever.” (16) This shows that domesticating wolves is not like buying a puppy, they are still wild animals, but it can be done and it won’t be regretted. In 2017, in the book, The First Domestication: …show more content…

In 2021, the article, “An assessment of current wolf Canis lupus domestication hypotheses based on wolf ecology and behaviour”, by David Mech, was released and shows the study of the domestication of wolves related to their interactions with humans, mainly explaining the same interactions between indigenous people and wolves that Pierotti said previous. He states that “the key is humans regularly feeding the wolves and keeping only those able to live harmoniously with …show more content…

It can be agreed upon in all cases that they are a source of protection. According to Spotte and Pierotti, Europeans changed the view on how the wolf is viewed. They view the wolf as connected to the devil. They would kill all the wolves that they encountered in Europe and when they moved to North America, they tried to campaign it. They successfully exterminated all wolves in the Unites States except Alaska. They were unsuccessful in Canada. Pierotti goes on to explain how wolves were looked at negatively by their breed, but study shows that wolves are the least aggressive compared to domesticated dogs. The indigenous people were the first to give the wolf a chance and create a relationship. The study also shows that wolves form an unbreakable bond whether its wolf to wolf or wolf to man. Since they think in a pack mentality, all they want it to protect their pack whether it’s the human they have bonded to. It has been shown that they can be happier in confinement when they have formed a bond with a human, and they see the relationship as life or death. They will do anything to protect. Once this relationship is created, a wolf can’t live without its pack. Rowlands proved that domesticated wolves can be trained just like dogs so with how wolves see the relationship with their person with the right training they are used for

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