Summary Of The Play Fuenteovejuna

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The play “Fuenteovejuna” was composed of many themes as many other plays do, and some messages about the point in time that this play was set to be in because it was in fact based on a real life occurrence. As one of the themes was “love,” which was repeated throughout the whole play that it was love that had fueled the riot and uprising of the small village, but in reality it was actually more than just that. The play had this sense of inevitability that this would happen because of another theme of the “abuse of power” which was strong within the play because the character Commander Guzman. These themes seem to be the most important ones but there are a couple of others that contribute to the play for example good overcomes evil, the strength of women power, or even divine right of monarchies which has some significance. …show more content…

Love is one of the most important themes because without the strength of the the love between Laurencia and Frondoso, this coalition might not have even happened, symbolizing that there is no stronger bond in the world than love. The abuse of power is also portrayed in the play as the commander would commit serious crimes against the people of Fuente and went to far which is why the whole thing started, therefore conveying that the people will always rebel when there is tyranny present. The lighting helped to deliver these ideas to the audience and also provide a change in the setting from a village to a castle or a forest, etc. In addition to the effects, the sounds produced also helped deliver the transitions from setting to setting. Of my overall understanding, the play of Fuenteovejuna tries to make us question our morals between right and wrong, but also emphasizes on the power of love to overcome anything which makes the play

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