
Summary Of The Rajast Mind By Raphael S. Ezekiel

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In this ambitious work THE RACIST MIND by Raphael S. Ezekiel, the author endeavors to show the crude social Darwinism of the Neo-Nazis and Klansmen that exists. He uses his felid work to examine the many different ideology that contribute to the rise of the Neo-Nazis and Klansmen. Raphael is a social physiologist from the University of Michigan that uses his skills to go into the minds of different clan leaders to show the world what they undoubtedly think. Raphael goes into their daily lives by giving them rides, follows their progress at rallies, and shows concern. He confronts them with his Jewish faith to test their reactions. They live in an isolated world trying to cancel out all other races because they feel threatened thorough the …show more content…

Many of these people followed like blind sheep’s to justify their logic. Ezekiel shows this in a quote, they kept chanting “Keep the dream alive. Kill a Jew. Keep Hitler’s dream alive (Ezekiel, 14).” This shows the ignorance of the crowd because they need someone to blame their reoccurring problems on. They believed the Jews were the Satan’s children sent to earth to corrupt the white Aryan race. This leads to the idea that the white Aryan race is the most superior on this planet. Ezekiel had a conversation with a man he met in the rally and told him he was Jewish but just here to conduct a study of the movement. The man said, “ Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear my word; you are of your father, the devil. And you want to do the desires of your father (Ezekiel, 20).” This further shows that the ideology of the Aryans was that they were superior and looked down on races such as Jews who they considered as the main enemy. They felt under attack and wanted to get revenge from the Jews who apparently caused harm to their …show more content…

The gatherings are a way to connect with more individuals like themselves, which makes it, seem like they are moral and cultural correct. Social Darwinism plays a huge role in racism because it fueled the fire that the white society was the only true society and that ever other group was a threat. Charles Darwin was a huge fan of evolution and believed that the Afro American and Jews were inferior to the white race and his ideas spread. They believe the Bible gives the proof they need to back up the claims which is sad in a society that has made it this far. As the Hate group numbers are decreasing from generation to generation, the next enemy will be the poor because this is more expectable. Through Ezekiel felid work we were able to see the first hand of how these Klansmen and Neo-Nazi saw the rest of society. They have a narrow point of view and if you don’t fit in this category you are evil and an enemy to the one true race

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