
Summary Of The Triple Package Of Superiority Complex By Amy Chua

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Starting the article Amy Chua singles out specific groups of the American population as performing or earning better than that of Americans as a whole. Explaining how Indian-Americans earning nearly double the national average, Mormons taking over top positions in recognizable companies, and of course Jewish success is noted. Chua goes on to argue that the most commonly accepted explanation for these groups’ advancement, rich parents providing better opportunities for their children, or immigrants arriving in the country with high skill and education levels, is truly not the most important factor. She supports this argument with facts of successful Mormon businessmen coming from humble beginnings, the majority of Asian parents of students accepted to Ivy League feeding high schools working in restaurants or other blue-color work, and of first generation American-born Cubans possessing a higher likelihood of earning over $50,000 a year. …show more content…

The Triple Package of a superiority complex, an inferiority complex, and impulse control, together these traits are how parents within the successful groups push their children to crave the success. Chua explains how alone each of these traits is not only insufficient to boost the craving, but can be dangerous; superiority breeds complacency, insecurity can produce distress or anxiety, and impulse control produces excessive austerity. Chua continues to explain that only together do these traits help people strive to become the extraordinary person they need to break past the odds stacked against

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