
Summary Of Toby's Exploratory And Problem Solving Behavior

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My MVC has advanced a lot in his problem solving skills, and he is more curious about the world. I will be describing examples in Toby’s exploratory and problem solving behavior, and I will be categorizing these examples according to Piagetian and information processing theories. According to Piaget’s theory, at twelve months Toby was in stage five of sensorimotor development. This stage is called tertiary circular reasoning, and in this stage toddlers test out various behaviors to see what the outcomes will be. These actions are intentional, and toddlers perform them repeatedly. Toby showed signs of tertiary circular reasoning by constantly throwing toys out of his crib to see what happens. When he did this he seemed to be expecting me to keep putting the toys back. This was Toby’s way of figuring out how the world works. Toddlers are constantly taking statistics to figure out how the world works. They perform experiments and test out hypotheses to explore new things about the world. At fifteen months Toby was exploring new things by running his own little experiments, and taking statistics on the results he was getting. For example, when he would take a bath he would push his toys under water and delightedly watch the toys pop back up to the surface. This is also another example of tertiary …show more content…

According to Piaget’s sensorimotor theory, Toby has moved on from the fifth stage of sensorimotor development, and he is now in the sixth stage. Instead of tertiary circular reasoning, he is now at the stage of mental representations. In this stage toddlers begin to consider various possibilities before deciding what action will get them the outcome they desire. When Toby plays with puzzles, he has to consider the different ways a puzzle piece can go before deciding which way is correct. Toby has to think about the solution to the

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