Summary Of Verizon's Form 10-K

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Verizon’s Form 10-K describes the type of business that is. Also, it gives risk factors that Verizon could experience. These are that the economy could affect the results of their operations, that they have a lot of competition, that they need to keep update to date with technology to maintain their place in their market, their dependence on suppliers and vendors, there could be changes in regulatory framework, possible cyber attacks that could affect their networks and systems, natural disasters, terrorist acts or acts of war could disrupt business practices, Verizon has significant debt which could increase, adverse changes in the credit markets could increase their borrowing costs, increases in pension benefits and retiree healthcare benefits, …show more content…

It says Verizon invested 78.3% in their network equipment, 12.1% in land, buildings and building equipment and 9.6% in furniture and others. Furthermore, their Form 10-K shows their lowest and highest stock prices per share for 2017. They were $47.80 to $54.83 for the first quarter, $44.36 to $49.55 for the second quarter, $42.80 to $50.32 for the third quarter and $43.97 to $53.69 for the fourth quarter. The Form 10-K also lists all of Verizon’s Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance. Lastly, it breaks down Verizon’s operating expenses and net income from 2013-2018 and there was a steady increase in net income from 2015-2017. This information gives the stakeholders an in-depth breakdown of the financials for Verizon. This will show investors and shareholders that they could benefit from doing business with Verizon. Suppliers can see that their will be continual business opportunity with Verizon because they are continuing to …show more content…

Internet security and privacy is the most important risk considering the business they are in. One issue is keeping their customer’s financial information safe from hackers. Also, in 2016 Verizon was found guilty of collecting information about their customers without their authorization. They used “supercookies” to collect customer data and didn’t report it to the FCC. This is the most important because internet security needs to be such a priority now with all the hackers and with the amount of people’s confidential information on computers and cell phones, it is so important to keep this safe. Stakeholders could be affected if Verizon was found to not properly secure people’s confidential information. There could be a loss of business that could cause a loss of jobs, a lower share price and an overall loss of confidence in Verizon. The next important global ethical risk is that Verizon could encounter the instability of working in foreign markets. Foreign markets can have an unstable economy, social unrest or political instability. These could cause a loss of production for Verizon. Also, there are some important ethical principles that are focused on in the U.S. that other countries don’t prioritize. Some examples of this are confidentiality and proper record keeping. This is a large problem because you must maintain integrity and an ethical approach

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