Summary Of Waco The Inside Story

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A cult is a system of religious belief and devotion directed towards a particular object.The Branch davidians are a group of people that is devoted to one particular person and Religion. David Koresh is the main leader of the group and is located in Waco Texas. In the documentary Waco The Inside Story the police went to talk to the group due to safety issues regarding the children. The group had many weapons and ammunition located where they were living. A battle between the police and David Koresh lasted for fifty one days. The police did everything on hopes to be able to get kids out of the compound without any harm being done to them. David Koresh was a leader who likes to control the thoughts and the actions that everyone will do. David had all of his followers live in a big house located in Waco Texas. David Koresh Called all of the young kids his children. The children welfare services were worried that the children were in harm due to the fact that there was a lot of ammunition around them. If anything were to happen to the ammunition the children could have been killed. The FBI tried to reason and make deals with David Koresh. Eventually he released a couple of kids and they were moved to safety. The FBI tried to smoke …show more content…

The negotiators are still not able to talk to David himself but they can communicate with one of the insiders. One day the building caught fire and the police immediately called the fire station o try and stop the fire before any or the kids or adults get hurt. They knew that there was a underground bus that they could have hid in so they quickly put out the fire in that area. But by the time they were able to put out the fire out it was too late they had all been killed due to not having proper ventilation. After a long challenge a total of seventy six people including David Koresh were killed in the