Waco Siege Research Papers

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Waco Siege
The Branch Davidians were a “Christian” group, but changed the words of the Bible, they often used the Bible for an excuse so that they don’t have a lot of people thinking they're up to something. Over 80 people died due to the FBI having to send out a giant gas attack. The main person involved, David Koresh, died because of a gunshot to the head. The Waco Siege is an event that left people dumbfounded, wondering how anyone could do something so terrible. The Waco Siege is an important event in history because the Branch Davidians were going nuts and tried killing innocent little kids, research found. The Waco Siege included the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives), the Texas ARNG (Texas Army and National Guard) and the Davidians. The Davidians were a Christian religious group, led by a man named David Koresh, that believed in Jesus Christ, but who focused mainly on prophecies in the Bible. ”The Branch Davidians are a religious group that originated in 1955 from a schism in the Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, a reform movement that began as an offshoot from the Seventh-day Adventist Church around 1930”(“Waco Siege”). A lot of people believe …show more content…

It is also very important because this cult that got stopped, could've done a lot of worse damages to the world. Not all of the Branch Davidians died though, there were quite a handful that lived and got sentenced up to 40 years of jail time. There were nine Branch Davidians that got 40 years of prison or more. They all got charged with voluntary manslaughter, which is when a person doesn’t intent to kill the victim. They just act in the moment. A few other reasons those nine men were sentenced that long was that they had weapons on them during a crime scene, or tried pleading guilty to reduced