Summary Of We Could Have Been Canada By Adam Gopnik

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Gopnik creates an argument about the problems of American history and its truthfulness. Specifically the Revolutionary War, he enlightens the truths of the violence and gore of the time period. Using characters like the Whigs and the Patriots he sheds light on the true story. As America moves forward throughout history he argues the importance of stop glorifying what truly was a horror. Contrasting Gopnik’s argument the American Revolutionary War is one of great pride all Americans should take part in. Casting away from his insights the true American patriotic behavior is one that outshines many because it can never be taken from them. Adam Gopnik writes an article for The New Yorker titled “We Could Have Been Canada”. In his work he argues the many reasons why he believes that the Revolutionary War was a terrible misinterpreted idea of many Americans. He creates the idea of how America has been taught to defend ourselves with patriotism. This is contrary to Canada always trying to work …show more content…

Can anyone truly believe this tho? What is exhilarating about fearing for one’s life? These leaders had their right to not sacrifice their lives. They may not be as brave as those many men who did, but it is not to say in a way of unpatriotic actions. It is not that those rebels didn’t care, but rather chose to preserve themselves for better use. One of the best points Gopnik makes focuses on the education of the Revolution. It is true, the education system does sugar coat the gore and violence. Not that it is a tragedy, but it does need to be elaborated as what it was. Yes, the Revolution was a gory, bloody, and rageful. This needs to be shown in its true form to all ages of American education. No, this does not mean the Revolution was terrible because it was gory, most wars are. Yet, having education of this matter is better than non at