
Summary Of Wesley Hayden's Last Duty

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Wesley Hayden gave up his whole world to bring justice to Mercer County, Montana. Although the accusations were against his own brother, Wesley did not let his relationship get in the way of what was honorable. He could have just let the crimes slide, but instead he wanted to prosecute his brother to prevent these crimes from continuing. For this decision he lost his relationship with his parents, sacrificed his family's safety, and ultimately destroyed the connection between him and his brother. Sometimes you have to pay a price to do the right thing.
First and foremost Wesley sacrificed his relationship with his parents to bring justice to his town. Wesley and his parents were on different pages throughout the story. His parents, especially his father had always favored his older brother. This caused his parent to believe that Wesley was prosecuting his brother only because of jealousy. Shortly after jailing his brother in his own house, Wesley was confronted by his parents to release Frank. Wesley father Julian insist that, "Ever since Frank came home in a uniform and you …show more content…

A little while after the argument in Wesley's house, a close friend of the grandfather came to Wesley's home and tried to break Frank free. At this moment Wesley was not around, it was only David and his mother occupying their house. The mother had to fire shotgun pellets just to keep the four men from breaking into their house. After the incident the mother argued, "Let him do whatever he wants to do to whomever he wants. I don’t care anymore. I just want my house back. I want my family safe."(pg.143) This was about letting Frank free. By Wesley choosing to prosecute his own brother, he caused for this attempted burglary to happen. His family didn’t feel safe in their own home because of Wesley's choices. At the same time Wesley was destroying the relationship that him and his brother

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