Summary Of Who Does The Talking Here By Deborah Tannen

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Who Does the Talking Here? Deborah Tannen, the author of “Who Does the Talking Here”?, argues that both men and women talk equally. In her article, she provides evidence and valid points that support her argument. She makes her argument valid enough to try to persuade her audience of the amount of conversations men and women can have. Deborah Tannen researched studies that proved her argument that men and women talk an equal amount which is agreeable from the evidence she comes across. In order for Tannen’s readers to agree with her, she presents examples for her argument. She provides evidence such as statistics, surveys, scientific journals, and experiences. She comes across much rational evidence that constructs her argument compliant. …show more content…

I agree with Tannen’s viewpoint of this topic because of the persuasive evidence she incorporates into her article. In Tannen’s view, “All of us-women and men-tend to notice others talking more in situations where we talk less” (Tannen 358). Tannen supplies evidence in her article by Leaper and Ayres who studies the amount of conversations among men and women. Tannen describes this fact as how she sees the situations of the amount men and women talk. Anyone who is involved in a group of conversation will notice which member who is conversing the most. It may switch off depending on the topic or situation. Even men can be in a social group and have the ability to talk more than women, but Tannen makes her argument clear that it all relies on the setting or subject. She shares her viewpoint on her argument and disagrees with people who believe in stereotypes. By indidviduals pronouncing that women talk more than men, just assume that kind of information because that is what society wants then to say. As Tannen shares her side of the argument, she makes an attempt in bringing in her readers to hear out her points. Not only does Tannen offer her audience with her viewpoint, but in her argument she also expresses her feeling towards the topic and her ways on persuading her …show more content…

She has studies that back up her argument that she shares with her readers that could quite convince them that men and women talk equally. Following a study conducted Tannen shares, “The loquacious man spoke up. “’You’re right,’” he said. Pointing to his wife, he added, “’She’s the talker in our family.’” Everyone laughed. But he explained, “’It’s true. When we come home, she does all the talking. If she didn’t, we’d spend the evening in silence.”’” (Tannen 357). By sharing this with her audience she lets her readers know who is really right. How can a women not talk in one conversation but then talk on and on in a different conversation? It all depends on the topic of conversation or the people they are with. How could people assume that women talk more when they have an observation done where the women was not talking? It is written all over society that women are more likely to express their feelings about everything and talk about it, while men do not feel the need to talk about their feelings. Tannen gathers anything she can in order to persuade her audience to support her point. Writing this article, she hopes her readers acknowledge the fact that in reality men and women do talk