
Summary Of Why It's Time To Legalize Steroids In Professional Sports

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In the text,”Why It’s Time to Legalize Steroids in Professional Sports” Chris Smith(2012) points that steroids should be legal to being fair in sports competitions. He thinks steroids are not as unhealthy as people say and they could help athletes to do the very peak of human athletic ability. I do not support his idea because it can be prevented in a more easy and healthy way. The test before the competitions can be more elaborated. There are some points where the author is right, too. He lines up with the idea of equality in all the competitions but his suggestion for the solution is unhealthy and not fair, I think. I agree with the author about equality issue. He explains that some athletes using performance enhancing drugs(PEDs) and some of them could be …show more content…

He mentions Barry Larkin’s normally power career in 1996. Larkin has never been accused of using steroids. But, Although his maximum home run was 20, he made 33 home run in 1996. “I can't say that Larkin used steroids, but I can't say that he didn't, either,” Smith says. He believes that legalizing PEDs could prevent this unfair situation. But there is already a legal solution besides legalizing them, elaborating the doping tests as I mentioned before. I totally disagree with the author in health issue of steroids. I believe that he underestimates the health damages of steroids. Because these drugs have a lot of effects in short and long terms. A lot of people agreed that steroids are unhealthy I read a subject about them in a website. At the end of that subject, the author said "They are not good for you. It is like Russian roulette. Five people may take them and have no long-term problem. The

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