Summary: The Short Dark Triad

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he proposed study purpose is to examine the link among the dark triad and likings for numerous relationship subtypes. Different from Koladich & Atkinson (2016) utilization of three different scales for the dark triad; this study will utilize the Short Dark Triad (SD3). Furthermore, this study extending relationship preferences to monogamous relationships, long distance romantic relationships and open relationships. Four of the short term relationship utilized in the proposed study are defined as they were in Koladich & Atkinson (2016) and Jonason et al (2012). The short-term relationship subtypes are depicted as: friends with benefits — relations among friends where the two individuals engage in sexual deeds without labeling themselves as romantically involved; booty-calls — relations where solicitation is initiated by short term lover for evident or implied intent of engaging in sexual deed (Garcia & Reiber, 2008). One-night-stands — relations bases solely on sex that transpire for only one time (Epstein, Calzo, Smiler, & …show more content…

H1: Participants scoring high on Narcissism are predicted to positively correlated with one night stands, friends-with-benefits, and booty calls H2: Participants scoring high on Narcissism are predicted to negatively correlate with monogamous relationship, long distance romantic relationships and open relationship H3: Participants scoring high on Psychopathy are predicted to positively correlated with booty-calls, one-night stands, friends-with-benefits, and long distance romantic relationships H4: Participants scoring high on Psychopathy are predicted to negatively correlate with monogamous relationship and open relationship H5: Participants scoring high on Machiavellianism are predicted to positively correlated with booty-calls, friends with benefits, one night stands, open relationship and long distance relationships H6: Participants scoring high on Machiavellianism are predicted to negatively correlate with monogamous