Summary: The Significance Of Dubious General Haig

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The Significance of General Haig Douglas Haig lived from 1861-1928 and was notably one of the most controversial British generals of all time. As commander in chief of the British allied forces in the First World War General Haig who had led the British Army to arguably its greatest victory in the most difficult war in history. However, Haig’s achievement had been overshadowed, and his reputation which has been destroyed by the enormous losses suffered on the long and road to victory in winning the war. There are many opinions on the significance of General Douglas Haig; this is a very controversial topic as there where are many views of the General during and after the Great War. However, the Sections of Controversy that needs to be settled, about the significance of the Dubious General Haig are how he had helped in resulting in change throughout the war through his tactics and weaponry which he had pushed forward. How he was remembered after the war and the Importance that he had throughout the War. Firstly Haig, an experienced British general, had taken command of the British Allied forces from Sir John French in December 1915. A traditionalist leader who believed in cavalry and the military value of a higher ethical …show more content…

However, all these cases have come to fruition around fifty years after the war, ended. The interest resumed in the study and interpretation of the conflict. This occurring in some forms such as The War television series called Oh! What a Lovely War, which was also a theatre production alongside comedies such as Blackadder with the ‘lions led by donkeys’ argument which is suggesting that unintelligent and incompetent generals led the brave soldier who went off to the war. Some historians at the time linked this phrase to a conversation between the two principal German generals of the time being Hoffman and Ludendorff. There is, however, no evidence to support this