Sundaras Character In Football By Jonathan Mckinnon

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Sundara has entered into a new culture. This is an essay on a girl named Sundara from Oregon that is staying with her extended family. The way the author develops her character, what she has learned, and how she knows what’s going on. The way the author develops Sundaras character is when the story had began like she was living with her extended family and she only saw football on tv, and she really didn’t know anything about it. One of her friends told her how football goes and the main idea. A player of the name Jonathan McKinnon was running really fast with the ball for a touchdown. Sundara stood up because she knew what speed looked like and she cheered when he made it. The author developed her like at first she didn’t know what anything meant and what she was looking at. Now that she knows speed she knows a little about it. The text says,” Sundara found herself on her feet,jumping and clapping with the crowd.”This shows how the author developed her character in the story. …show more content…

She learned that the point of football is to get the ball and bring it to your side, but she still didn’t understand football. She also understood grace and speed. When she see a player running fast with the ball to their side she knows to stand up and cheer loud. The text says,”She did not understand the game,but she understood speed, she understood grace. She understood why everyone thought Jonathan McKinnon was wonderful.” This shows that she learned something’s and she learned other things, but hasn’t really got it to the