1.2 Explain The Importance Of Bullying In Schools

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When dealing with bullying it is vital to follow educational settings policies and procedures to correctly support both child and families in cases of bullying. Children have the right to know that they are protected by law and that there is support out there for parents if their child is a victim of bullying. Children have the right to attend educational settings and feel safe and protected and that their educational setting has a duty to keep them safe, educational settings also have a legal obligation to ensure that any bullying is dealt with immediately and effectively, even though it needs to be dealt with effectively and as fast as possible then it is always right to do it the right way and make sure that steps are being followed the right way.
When a younger person approaches you and discloses any kind of bullying, firstly you should offer any support and take into consideration how hard it may …show more content…

The more live a child is, the better they get out deal with life as they grow and develop into adulthood. Resilience is about being independent, standing on your own two feet or victorious back the power. It is important because it can wait on reverse rough of the effects that bullying can have on children and young people.
It is also a life skill and get out be useful to a child in many areas. Leave alone and give them confidence not only to stand up for themselves but also to work and build up the recognition the rights of others. Resilience can table service to increase a child’s self-worth and helps to promote and remedy self-esteem. It can prevent children taking more drastic fulfil like self-harming or suicide and can send a message to other people, such as bullies, that what they’re doing is not