Survival In Auschwitz Summary

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From the presentation, I learned what the term “Genocide” meant and how it is connected to Survival in Auschwitz. According to the presentation, “Genocide” is violence against members of a national, ethnical, racial or religious group with intent to destroy the entire group. This term was used after World War II, when atrocities were committed by the Nazi regime against the Jews of Europe. In 1948, the United Nations declared genocide as an international crime. Genocide has eight stages: classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation, extermination, and denial. Classification has to with division between two different groups. Symbolization can be names or symbols used to show differences between two different cultures. Dehumanization, denies humanity from a human being. Organization, organizes by state or by militias to provide deniability of the government. Polarization is when extremists drive groups apart. Preparation is when victims are separated out and forced to wear identifying symbols. Exterminations are the beginnings of mass killings. Lastly, denial is the attempt to cover up evidence of what has happened. The term “Genocide”, connects right back to Levi’s work Survival in Auschwitz. This is through Levi’s experiences and common themes of dehumanization, resilience, and oppression. Throughout Levi’s story, he describes his experiences of dehumanization to himself as well as other people on the camp. For example, in …show more content…

But the varieties of the man-animal are innumerable, and I saw and have described men of refined culture, especially if young, throw all this overboard, simplify and barbarize themselves, and survive. A simple man, accustomed not to ask questions of himself, was beyond the reach of the useless torment of asking himself why