Cooper Station Short Story

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his story was written in order to get a good midterm grade. Oh yeah, and also to inform readers of Social, Economic, and Environmental aspects that could very well exist in a sustainable community. This was also written after hours of torture to create the perfect story, I’m incredibly happy! Have a sustainable day!!! Disclaimer: No students were harmed in the creation of this short story. ENVIRONMENT Transitioning from Earth, to this cylindrical slice from the earth’s surface is truly a difficult task. I’m glad my daughter made good use of what I taught her about farming. ***Author’s Note: Please refer to drawing to learn more about the environment in Cooper Station.*** The solar panels shown in the image are set to automatically adjust harvest depending on average rate of …show more content…

Heck! My daughter solved the nearly impossible gravitational equation. And this “tour-guide” doesn’t think I can understand a little science. The Nerve!!! “Hit me” I said. “Well, in our hospitals, placebo mainly influences our patient’s self- appraisal. They can’t shrink tumors, or cure aids; but they can help patients experience less fatigue, nausea, pain, and anxiety that are associated with their diseases. If the disease is fatal, we couple the placebo effect with drugs which make the recovery process a lot more effective”. “Yup, got it. All of that makes sense”. SEX and POPULATION CONTROL As I was walking, a woman asked if I wanted to have sex with her, I tried to politely deny her request, but she didn’t seem the least offended. “Oh forgot to mention, even though you’re married or have any kids, you are free to exercise your sexual needs. With consent of course”.