Cooper's Tragic Love In 'Uncas' By Max Cooper

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"Tragic love", Uncas was entitled to die for his passion. At the same time, in the frontier adventure Uncas plays the symbolic role of a vanishing native. With him, Cooper explores genocidal white power and its capability to wipe out Indian populations. The murder of Uncas, the last member of his tribe, foreshadows the destruction of Indian culture Cora, the raven haired daughter of Colonel Munro. She expresses opinions about mixed race. Cora is part black. She becomes enchanted to Uncas. Cora is different from the rest of the tribe and is not the stereotypical sentimental heroine. She has an adventurous soul. Uncas was one of the last of his tribe, a protective, loyal, and determined Indian. In the book, Uncas grows in his skill and develops