Swim The Swim The Fly Characters

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3 Guys & One Goal Swim The Fly, Don Calame Sergio, Duran Swim The Fly was about 3 young boys, Matt, Sean & Coop. They all only had one goal for their summer. Their goal was to see a real live naked girl. They did plenty of things you wouldn't believe guys would actually do just to see a naked girl for a second. While reading the book I imagined Matt as a tall, skinny boy. The three of them were in a swim team and there was plenty of young ladies they thought were the definition of hot and sexy. One of these hot and sexy girls was Kelly West. The one girl they wanted to see naked. I doubt that kelly west ( The hottest girl in the swim team ) would date or would be impressed by Matt Gratton. But even though he knew he had not one chance with her, he did every little possible thing to get her to like him. He even volunteered to swim the fly (butterfly for 100 yards) . …show more content…

Matt I like because he is one brave stupid kid . He does anything to accomplish one thing. He is brave, shy and immature but in a funny way. Yes I do believe in matt as a real person, I can compare him to many of my friends. Coop is more of a calm guy. I see coop as a regular height guy that's that one quiet kid in every group of friends. The kid who just goes with the flow and agrees to what everyone says. Sean is the kid in the “ squad “ that all he does is nothing but talk crap about others and says someone can't do something when he hasnt even tried it himself . Hes the one I can compare to that all he does is complain