Symbolic References In Troy's Death Of Troy

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Though after eighteen long years of marriage Troy saw Alberta and felt the need to “steal second” (2.1.118). Rose simply grows tired of his baseball metaphors and tells him, "We not talking about baseball! We 're talking about you going off to lay in bed with another woman" (2.1.121). Rose is fed up with all of Troy’s baseball analogies and she realizes that he uses baseball as a way of making excuses in life, most notably his affair with Alberta.
When Raynell’s biological mother, Alberta, died in childbirth, it was surely a sad predicament. Though with all things considered, Troy could be directly blamed for her death. As, if Troy would have never cheated on Rose and impregnated Alberta, Alberta would still be alive because the complications of child birth caused her death. Along with the irony of Troy’s wife, Rose, having to inform him of his mistress’ circumstances, immediately came the question, who is going to act as baby Raynell‘s mother? Rose is put in an …show more content…

At the point of Alberta’s death, Troy was at a point of desperation and needed someone to act as mother to his child, luckily for him Rose obliged but she told him “you are a motherless man” (2.3.28-29). Knowing Troy and his baseball analogies he could have come up with something like “You came in for relief already why don’t you just close the deal and get back with me?” As the relief and closer aspects of the analogy represent relief and closer pitchers in baseball. With this situation in mind, Rose came in for relief for Raynell after her death and by getting back with Troy she would have closed the deal. Though Rose’s strength and independence as a woman is shown when she decides to take care of Raynell even with Troy’s infidelity but is wise enough to know that she does not need to get back with Troy because he has simply gone too far with his