Symbolism In Ghostbusters

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Milo Yiannopoulos’ review of the 2016 film, Ghostbusters expresses his mourning of the death of the beloved franchise; his beloved franchise had a “stake driven through its heart” with its “head chopped off” and “body burned and buried at a crossroad.” His point is made across by the usage of Bill Murray’s character from the movie. In the film, Bill Murray’s character, Martin Heiss was chucked out the window by a ghost; a symbolism to Yiannopoulos as the death of the franchise. While Yiannopoulos believes he makes excellent points throughout his review about the movie, his views on the reboot film are not shared. While the film didn’t do the original justice, it had promise. Yiannopoulos’ biasness to the original inhibited from seeing the promise …show more content…

He refuses to soften the blow of his opinion by describing the script as an “abomination to God than any of the demons and ghost[s] in the franchise.” The script per Yiannopoulos was the worst part of the entire production of the movie. While he is entitled to his own opinion, Yiannopoulos fails to see that there are redeeming parts of the script. There were little comedic quips in the movie like “Ah hell naw, the Devil is a liar! Get out of my friend, ghost! The power of Patty compels you!” Leslie Jones’ character, Patty is a hilarious character because the character reflects Leslie Jones. Watching her skits on Saturday Night Live and her scenes in Ghostbusters, there isn’t much of a difference, which allows viewers to feel comfortable with her comedic humor. Milo, however, disagrees completely; he describes Patty as a “two-dimensional racist stereotype by even the most forgiving measure[s].” That’s not all he says, he then goes on to bash the Jones as “spectacularly unappealing, even relative to the rest of the odious cast.” To be frank, his bashing on Leslie Jones was uncalled for, to say that it is her “black stylings” irritated the SJWs (Social Justice Workers) is cruel. Leslie Jones’ character was an excellent contribution to the films dynamic and an excellent reflection of the actress …show more content…

He simply focused on the negative parts of the movie. He goes on in his final thoughts to dictate that his opinions weren’t his own by using the six words: “Yeah, the theater was nearly empty,” as well as stating how James Rolfe refused to “see or review” the movie. While there are those who refuse to see the beauty of the film, there are those who have as well as loved watching it like Peter Rainer, who comments, “These women are having fun just being together and getting to don matching jumpsuits and whale on undead spirits, and their evident joy makes us happy to hop in the hearse for a ride-along.” The reboot was a phenomenal movie that was awe-inspiring in its own rights.

Milo Yiannopoulous review may be one of the meanest ones against Ghostbusters. Yes, the movie could have been better, but the movie wasn’t as abominable as he depicted it to be. The reboot of Ghostbusters, was one of the best films I’ve seen in a while, and although it isn’t the best in doing the original justice, it has its own quirks that allow it to be phenomenal. Those who disagree are entitled to their own beliefs. I would recommend though for them to take a second