
Symbolism In In The South By Salmon Rushdie

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Junior and senior are both very similar, but also so different. They grew up in the same place, at the same time, but lived two completely different lives. Senior lived an eventful life doing a lot when he was younger, but now in his old age, he just wants to die. While junior is the exact opposite, junior’s life was boring for most of his life until two girls on a scooter made him stumble. As a result, junior passes away, leaving senior alone without a special friend. Rushdie uses a lot of irony and symbolism through his short story. Junior and senior are seen as an example of life and death, but that’s not all of it. In the end, Salmon Rushdie short story “In the South” send the message to the reader by using symbolism and irony that peoples clock will finally run out so make the most of it while they can.
The tree in the story symbolizes junior in such a way that it seems the tree is him. Rushdie is great at placing little symbols for the reader to catch which really adds to the view of the story. No matter how big or small a symbol is, it will always mean something. Junior and senior can be seen as many symbols throughout the story, such as the struggle between life and death, green and gold. Junior and senior always pass this tree one their walk, but fail to realize the trees growth is a clock for their lives. One day as they see the tree they realize that it has is grown significantly since the last time they remember. This is hinting that they both have lived a long
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