Symbolism In John Wong's Grapes Of Wrath

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Violent tendencies stay with David since he jabbed out his high school bully’s eyes not feeling guilty because “he’s not that type of person” to Amy (his love interest) (334). In one scene, David realises after his blackout that he has killed Amy while on “soy sauce”. This is problematic as David kept a promise to her old brother (Big Jim) that he will look after Amy if he dies. Yet, Wong uses analepsis of Big Jim’s wish (isolating his last line: “I want you to promise me”) to play in David’s mind to contrast the image of him “[unwrapping Amy’s] corpse” in his shed (279). This reminds the reader David can’t be trusted, but from his devastation begins a moral change in him. It’s important to remember that David does kill Amy, but she comes