
Pamela Kirkley Case Brief

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Pamela Kirkley is the mother of Damien Kirkley and David Kirkley. On January 5, 2016, the boys were taken into custody by the Warren County Department of Child Protective Services (hereinafter referred to as CPS). The children were placed in their sister’s home. CPS currently has custody of the children.

Pamela Kirkley came before this court in a School Attendance hearing with her oldest children, Hopelynn Standish and Shane Standish. She behaved erratically in court and at the time we held the two oldest children and found a stable home for them. During this time, we found out that Pamela Kirkley had two other children at home. Their school records were checked and we found that they too had excessive absences. It was then determined that …show more content…

They each at one uniform a piece for school. Their shoes were worn and had holes in them. The boys also told her they hadn’t bathed in a long time.

Since being in the sister’s home, allegations of possible sexual abuse have risen. The mother Pamela Kirkley claims David’s cousin touched his penis in the sister’s home. Pamela told me that David mentioned that he was touched inappropriately during one of their visits together. The allegations resulted in a Special Investigator being sent out to the sister’s home where the boys currently stay. Special Investigator Jim O’Brian determined the allegations were not true. The investigator also mentioned that he had a feeling that the mom made it up due to some of the things the boys told him.

When the allegations regarding the sexual abuse did not result in the boys being returned t to Pamela’s custody, she continued to allege the abuse occurred. She even changed her initial story and claimed that she witnessed the cousin touching David’s penis. Again, the story was investigated and David said that it didn’t happen. The allegations went on for quite some time. In the end, David broke down and admitted that it didn’t happen but his mom kept telling him that it …show more content…

I don’t think she would ever hurt them on purpose. However, she is mentally unstable and unable to care for the boys properly. Pamela is bipolar and a manic depressant. She also has a history of schizophrenia in her family. By her own admission, she thinks she exhibits signs of schizophrenia as well. Pamela takes her medicine and is seen by Warren Yazoo Mental Health on a regular. However, I have concerns regarding her treatment. It doesn’t appear to be effective.

Pamela often makes up stories. In her mind, the stories are true but after investigating, I find out the stories are not true. Her behavior raises cause for great concern. Pamela also has a hard time understanding when her actions are wrong and she blames others around her. From talking with her, she thinks that everyone is against her and that is not so. She is often paranoid and I think that is a result of being mentally unstable.

Damien and David love their mom. Damien doesn’t want to return home. He doesn’t have a deep connection with him mom and is relieved to be away from her. Unlike Damien, David is deeply attached to his mom. He ultimately wants to return home with her. However, David loves his sister’s house and understands that he can’t go home right

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